• Industry issues 07-7-22

    UDIA in Action This week is National NAIDOC Week 2022 with this year’s theme being Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! which is based around encouraging everyone to keep working together towards systemic…

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  • Industry issues 30-6-22

    From the CEO Where were you on Census night?  The 2021 Census was certainly a snapshot of a very unique period in our lives, with many Australians still in lockdown or subject to…

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  • Industry issues 23-6-22

    From the CEO Tonight it will drop down to 7 degrees. As an industry, we create homes for people. We must never underestimate the social, emotional and financial wellbeing that a home provides.…

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  • Social housing top of mind

    Last Friday we were proud to host our Industry Luncheon with the Minister for Housing; Homelessness; Lands; Local Government, the Hon. John Carey MLA as we explored the topic of Delivering Shelter through…

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  • Industry issues 16-6-22

    From the CEO As you know, I’m a big fan of insightful quotes and often weave them into my weekly communique. So I wanted to start off this week by sharing a fantastic…

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  • Industry issues 09-6-22

    From the CEO On the eve of UDIA WA’s Industry Lunch with the Minister for Housing and the impending release of our new report directly targeted at ensuring we have a development ready…

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  • Industry issues 02-6-22

    From the CEO Kaya. Hello. Be brave, make change. This is the theme of National Reconciliation Week and one that sets a challenge to all Australians to tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation.…

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  • Industry issues 26-5-22

    From the CEO I have been in Sydney this week enjoying being in another State and connecting with fellow UDIA members and staff at our National Congress.  This is the first time that…

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  • Industry issues 19-5-22

    From the CEO “There’s a hole in your budget, dear Labor, dear Labor.”  Well if there is one memorable advertisement of this Federal Election campaign for good or bad reasons (clearly this is…

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    With two weeks remaining until the Federal Election on 21 May 2022, UDIA National has achieved some significant advocacy wins. Key achievements from the last six weeks include many UDIA National policy announcement…

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  • Industry issues 12-5-22

    From the CEO It’s the day each year when UDIA WA gets locked in a room with other key industry bodies for hours, getting an exclusive first look at the highly anticipated State…

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  • Industry issues 5-5-22

    From the CEO Let’s cast our minds back to 2018. The world was free and uninhibited without masks, travel restrictions and looks of horror if others coughed in your direction. Harvey Weinstein was…

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