• Industry Issues 30-04-2020

    UDIA Lodges submission on the EPBC Act Review UDIA National has lodged an extensive submission on behalf of members in response to the Commonwealth Government’s Independent Review of the Environment Protection & Biodiversity…

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  • UDIA Lodges its Submission on the EPBC Act Review

    UDIA National has now lodged an extensive submission in response to the Commonwealth Government’s Independent Review of the Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act. The review – chaired by Professor Graeme Samuel…

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  • Strong communities find ways to support each other this Anzac Day

    Col Dutton, UDIA WA President column within West Real Estate Anzac Day holds a very special place in Australia’s communal hearts. It is a day we have traditionally congregated in public to pay…

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  • Industry Issues 23-04-2020

    UDIA WA to issue updated Industry Pulse survey UDIA WA is committed to keeping up to date with how the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions are impacting on our members and the broader industry. …

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  • Industry Issues 16-04-2020

    Infrastructure Investment the Answer To Our Economic Future: Jonathan Pain In the midst of the most unprecedented downturn in our economic history and with the flood of stimulus measures and booster payments being…

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    In the midst of the most unprecedented downturn in our economic history and with the flood of stimulus measures and booster payments being announced to alleviate the worst impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic,…

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  • Industry Issues 09-04-2020

    UDIA WA CEO workshops planning recovery priorities with Minister UDIA WA CEO Tanya Steinbeck attended a virtual industry workshop yesterday with Minister for Planning, Rita Saffioti MLA; Parliamentary Secretary John Carey: WAPC Chairman…

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  • UDIA National: Helping Australia Bounce Back

    The Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) continues to engage with governments on how the industry can help sustain and revive the Australian economy following the effects of COVID-19. The urban development industry…

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  • Industry Issues 02/04/2020

    UDIA National: Helping Australia Bounce Back The Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) continues to engage with governments on how the industry can help sustain and revive the Australian economy following the effects…

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  • Industry Issues 26-03-2020

    UDIA WA meets with Premier Mark McGowan On Wednesday UDIA WA CEO Tanya Steinbeck met with the Premier, Ministers for Housing, Local Government, Education and Industrial Relations with representatives on behalf of the…

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  • Industry Issues 19-03-2020

    UDIA WA launches COVID-19 web page With information, advice and health protocol surrounding the outbreak of COVID-19 currently being updated on an almost daily basis, UDIA WA has created a one-stop shop for…

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  • Employee health and wellbeing: UDIAWA member’s return on investment

    By Emma Marshall – Program Coordinator, Healthier Workplace WA Australians spend nearly more than one third of their day at work. Have you ever stopped to think about the role the workplace can…

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