• Industry Issues 22-08-2019

    New: UDIA position paper on alternative water sources UDIA State Council met last night to discuss a range of issues impacting on the industry.  The Council endorsed a position paper entitled Alternative Water…

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  • Industry Issues 15-08-2019

    New look Urban Development Index launched UDIA was pleased to release a fresh new version of our highly valued Urban Development Index (UDI) on Tuesday that can be downloaded here.  This quarterly publication…

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  • Industry Issues 08-08-2019

    Latest land data points to potential recovery UDIA WA’s June Quarter 2019 Urban Development Index will be released to members next week. Preliminary data shows the number of lots sold in Greater Perth…

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  • Industry Issues 01-08-2019

    New action plan to implement bushfire framework review   UDIA WA has welcomed the state government’s release of a Bushfire Framework Review Action Plan this week that should bring a more common-sense approach…

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  • Industry News 25-07-2019

    Perth’s road to revitalisation UDIA hosted an industry breakfast on Wednesday themed the ‘road to revitalisation’ with discussion based around Perth’s transformation, particularly over the last 20 years. Keynote speaker John Burton, General…

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  • A case study in restoring areas back to native vegetation

    Hanson Construction Materials (Hanson) Gaskell Avenue Sand Operations covers an area of 1300Ha within the Swan Coastal Plain. Part of the mining of the coastal dune system includes rehabilitating the excavated areas. Hanson…

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  • Industry News 18-07-2019

    Boardroom luncheon with Minister for Energy UDIA was pleased to host a boardroom luncheon with invited members and the Minister for Energy the Hon. Bill Johnston, MLA in collaboration with Western Power on…

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  • From the 2018 UDIA Stockland Young Development Professional

    It’s been almost 12 months now since I was awarded the UDIA WA’s Young Development Professional Award for 2018 and what a year its been. In October, I was asked to Chair the…

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  • UDIA Women in Leadership Award winner calls for champions

    A note from our Women in Leadership 2018 Award Winner Vivienne Edwards:  When I was asked to write this blog, I thought about sharing all the amazing opportunities and experiences I had had…

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  • Industry Issues 11-07-2019

    APRA revises buffer and floor rates The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has announced that it will proceed with proposed changes to its guidance on the serviceability assessments that authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs)…

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  • Industry Issues 04-07-2019

    Infrastructure Contributions policy released for comment UDIA has welcomed a revised draft policy released by the state government today to improve how development contributions toward infrastructure are collected, managed and spent by local…

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  • Industry issues 27-06-2019

    Local government reforms pass parliament The state government passed local government reform legislation today that is a result of the Local Government Act review. These reforms target key priority areas identified by the…

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