From the CEO

This week, team UDIA has been cleaning out the past, packing up the present and preparing for an even better future.

Back in 2013, UDIA WA purchased it’s office in Wexford Street Subiaco off the plan. It was to be an investment in the future sustainability of the organisation and one day, when the mortgage was paid off, it would be our safety net should we ever need it. That mortgage milestone was achieved two years ago, paid off as planned by the hard work over the last decade of our Council, committees, members and staff.

Now, we have outgrown our space as originally designed and it’s time for a fresh new look that will see us through the next few years. Designed by State28 Interiors, we will be coming back to an open-plan, vibrant workspace that will inject a new energy into the space for our team and members to enjoy.

As I was going through our old library and some of our first policy papers back in the mid to late 70’s through to the 90’s, it was fascinating to see many of the challenges faced back then still exist today. It was also great to look through the old photos and some of the baby-faced members and Councillors that are now two or three decades older yet are still in the game and still supporting UDIA.  

Despite all the obstacles, market challenges, increased risk and economic uncertainty, it is telling how many members are still active in creating the homes and places of today and tomorrow. This is an industry and a collective of passionate people that more often than not, choose to see the opportunity instead of the challenge. That is a must-have mindset in order to thrive in today’s world of global uncertainty and volatility.

With a State and Federal election in the next 8 months, the opportunity is to use the housing crisis to facilitate long term, systemic change. No more band aids. Bi-partisan support for policy that shifts the dial for the private sector to deliver 95% of our country’s homes. And for the government to commit to sustained funding for social & affordable housing. Not just a sugar hit.

Wayne Dyer said “change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change”.

Time to do things differently and to look through this window of opportunity to a prosperous future for the next generation.

Tanya Steinbeck

UDIA WA Chief Executive Officer

Karnup and Eglington land releases announced

UDIA WA welcomed the announcement yesterday that the State Government will release 600 hectares of new residential land across two sites in Eglinton and Karnup.

As part of the land release, the Government will invite developers to put forward proposals to support new housing on the land, under two development models:

  • a partnered approach; or
  • direct purchase of the land.

Under the partnered model, successful proponents will collaborate with DevelopmentWA to plan, design, and develop the sites. Alternatively, the sites may be sold to a successful proponent for full development.

In welcoming the move, UDIA WA acknowledge that every little bit helps when it comes to addressing the state’s housing supply crisis, particularly given WA has the fastest growing population in the nation.

UDIA WA has been consistently working with Government to help identify and more rapidly release government sites for the creation of diverse and affordable homes, and expediting State Government land for housing development is one aspect to continuing to battle the housing supply crisis.

There remain a range of further actions that the State Government can take to support the private industry to deliver housing at the volume needed to make a real dent in the housing shortage, and UDIA WA’s State Election campaign has pinpointed practical, workable solutions that can be implemented to get more homes on the ground, faster, including unlocking enabling infrastructure for urban zoned land and continuing to improve the complex and lengthy planning and environmental approvals process.

We will continue to engage with Government on our essential policy and investment priorities to deliver more diverse housing options to ensure all Western Australians in the lead up to the election.

UDIA confirms support for Help to Buy scheme

The Albanese Government has reintroduced the Help to Buy Scheme legislation to Parliament, after it was blocked in the Senate last month.  The Government hopes that they can get the legislation through both houses of Parliament on a second attempt, however the Greens and Coalition remain resistant to supporting the Bill.

With the Bill reintroduced to Parliament, UDIA National has confirmed industry support for the legislation, with President Col Dutton stating that “Help to Buy relieves pressure on an exhausted rental system, providing the opportunity for families to realise their dream of home ownership, while freeing up rental properties for other families.”

The Scheme has been designed to allow eligible home buyers to enter the property market sooner via financial support to households who might otherwise never be able to own their home.  Under the Scheme, which was first announced in 2022, the Federal Government would contribute up to 40 per cent of the purchase price for new homes or 30 per cent of existing homes for eligible borrowers.  Eligible low- to middle-income earners would only need a 2 per cent deposit to qualify for a standard loan with participating lenders and wouldn’t be required to pay lenders mortgage insurance (LMI).

Labor hopes the Help to Buy Scheme would support 40,000 households to purchase or build a home.

“Home Ownership is a critical piece of the housing puzzle and this initiative ensures that access to ownership is for all Australians and not just those with the funds to go it alone. The real answer is to remove barriers to housing supply while ensuring working Australians have the same opportunity as others to own a home,” Mr Dutton said. 

Engagement with the Housing Supply Unit

On Tuesday, the UDIA WA Council and Committee Chairs had a briefing from Emma Colombera, Director of the Department of Treasury Housing Supply Unit.

Emma provided an update on the Unit’s resources, priorities, and forward work plan, and it was an opportunity for continued engagement on UDIA WA’s key priorities for the 2025 State Election.  Key items of discussion included:

  • progress on the action plan relating to infrastructure coordination and funding to unlock key growth areas following a roundtable with the Residential Lands and Housing Delivery Ministerial Oversight Committee (MOC) and residential land developers in June, which was in direct response to UDIA WA’s advocacy;
  • priorities to boost the viability of infill projects (including measures to address the implications of the layering of policies, charges and taxes), which will be the focus of an upcoming roundtable with the MOC, industry bodies and built form developers.

UDIA WA Emerging Leaders Program: First cohort meets for mentoring kick-off

Today marked an exciting milestone for the first cohort of the Program as they gathered for their ‘Meet and Greet’ session, which has officially kick-started Component 2 of the Program—Industry Mentoring and Applied Learning.

The mentees received their program handbooks and reflected on and shared their learnings from the UDIA WA Effective People Leadership Fundamentals One Day Course, attended on 19 September. They engaged in an insightful session to better understand DiSC assessment, why it’s important and how it can be used, and explored their own profiles and traits to help inform their personal development planning. This get-together provided opportunities for self-reflection and deeper connections within the cohort, as well as for laying some foundations to maximise the value of the mentoring experience.

Over the coming months, the mentees will engage with the mentor they’ve been matched with, and we look forward to supporting them as they continue their respective journeys throughout the Program.

Accelerating Smarter Development for Australia

UDIA WA is delighted to support and contribute our expertise to the Accelerating Smarter Development Prospectus, and we congratulate NBN Co and Urbis on this initiative.

We see this as a significant opportunity for property developers, owners, and occupiers alike, and an avenue for fostering smarter, future-ready developments for residents, visitors, and communities. 

The Accelerating Smarter Development Prospectus will help developers, owners, and place-makers incorporate data, digital technology, and innovative practices into their projects. While developers widely recognise the value of smart technology, the rapid pace of technological advancement, evolving market offerings, and the need to align a wide range of stakeholders makes it challenging to realise the full potential of smart technologies.

Based on the experience of the project partners, industry and community engagement, and research, the Prospectus will gather best-practice lessons from around the world and apply them to the Australian context.

UDIA’s participation in the Project Reference Group will allow us to provide direct input into the development of the Prospectus. We will apply our expertise and experience to the project, representing the interests of our members, stakeholders, and the industry.

Critical to the success of this project is the extensive, nationwide engagement being carried out by project partners NBN and Urbis. Digital sessions are available across Australia, and in-person sessions will be held in Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Perth, and Sydney.  We encourage Members, colleagues and associates to participate.

Register for the Perth Accelerating Smarter Development Industry Engagement workshop.

Approvals down as housing crisis continues

Released 1 October 2024, the latest Building Approvals, Australia Data shows a seasonally adjusted national decrease of 6.1% for dwelling approvals, down to 13,991 homes in August. While a small growth in houses of 0.5% to 9,388 was observed this was offset by the decline of total dwellings excluding houses of 16.5% to 4,418 dwellings.

In the Western Australian market, the trends present a similar story. The seasonally adjusted data shows that private sector housing approvals increased 1.9% month on month to 1,522 houses approved. However, total dwelling unit approvals have fallen to 1,747 dwellings; a reduction of 3.3%. Looking at the trend data paints a more hopeful picture with total dwellings approved in WA rising 0.6% from July to 1,803 homes. However, Western Australia has been set the target of delivering 125,000 homes across the next five years by mid-2029. The rate of dwellings approved will need to be lifted so that the State can be positioned to deliver anywhere close to the target.

To facilitate the delivery of more homes to the people that need them, as the state heads into the next election in 2025, UDIA WA have outlined a series of priorities that the next State Government can action to deliver the homes we need, faster ensuring we take the urgent action required to meet WA’s national housing target.

All aboard! The Ellenbrook train line opens this December

Premier Roger Cook and Treasurer Rita Saffioti MLA have announced the new Ellenbrook Metronet station will officially open Sunday 8 December, with regular services commencing the following day.

The new railway will provide greater connectivity to the community, elevating the local neighbourhood to an urban hub that will be able to sustain business activities in the surrounding area.

Reflecting on his own experience the Premier said, “Living in Kwinana, I know how life-changing a rail line can be for our suburban communities.”

Under the current two-zone fare cap, residents will only be charged $4.15 when using a smartrider to travel from Ellenbrook into Perth and can expect travel times of around 31 minutes.

“I am thrilled for the communities in our north-east who have waited so long for this train line,” said Rita Saffioti, “this train line will be a game changer for these communities, offering affordable and reliable transport options to get around our city”.

Beginning at Bayswater station, the train line will officially be known as the Ellenbrook line with stations in Morely, Noranda, Ballajura, Whiteman Park, ending in Ellenbrook.