Not only is Alkimos Beach part of the biggest and most significant coastal development north of Perth in 50 years, it has a knack for firsts.
It was the first project in Perth to achieve all six leaves under UDIA’s EnviroDevelopment certification program, it was the first to deliver the BeachSAFE program, as part of a ground-breaking agreement with Surf Life Saving WA, it was Australia’s first six Star Green Star-Community and most recently it was the first in Australia to recertify under the Green Building Council of Australia 6 Star Green Star rating for a community.
Under Green Star – Communities, projects must recertify every three to five years until fully built out. On its second assessment Alkimos Beach exceeded its original certification score, receiving additional points for delivery of innovation projects and sustainability measures.
Alkimos Beach development partners Lendlease and DevelopmentWA have a strong vision, focused on delivering a thoughtfully planned, innovative and sustainable coastal community of global significance.
Lendlease General Manager for Development in Western Australia, Anthony Rowbottam said that GBCA assessors looked at innovation Alkimos Beach has demonstrated since 2015.
“Our residents are very proud of Alkimos Beach’s GBCA credentials and the benefits of being part of such an innovative community, and recertification is just another reason to boast about where they live,” he said.
“Maintaining accreditation through schemes like GBCA’s as well as UDIA’s EnviroDevelopment program play important roles in driving transformation in our industry as well helping customers realise the tangible benefits that come with buying in a progressive, sustainable community.”
In addition to Alkimos Beach being the first project in Perth to achieve all 6 leaves under UDIA’s EnviroDevelopment tool, it was awarded Chairman’s EnviroDevelopment Award in 2016 and is currently going through recertification under this scheme as well.
The state government’s land development agency, DevelopmentWA CEO Frank Marra said that he was delighted that Alkimos Beach continues to be acknowledged as world-leading.
“Alkimos Beach is part of the biggest and most significant coastal development north of Perth in 50 years and recertification under the Green Building Council of Australia’s internationally respected sustainability rating system recognises our determination to deliver long term economic, social and environmental sustainability in the communities we develop,” Mr Marra said.
“More than 2,000 residents currently live at Alkimos Beach and have benefited from early establishment of amenities including Sprout community hub, Alkimos Beach Primary school, St James Anglican school, the Gateway shopping precinct, one of WA’s fastest growing Surf Life Saving WA surf clubs, two beach access points, playgrounds, parks and playing fields.”
For more information about Alkimos Beach, click here.