The Property Tribune The Hon. John Carey, MLA added the Planning portfolio to his raft of responsibilities in June 2023, now WA’s Minister for Planning; Lands; Housing and Homelessness, he is well positioned to make real change in relation to the current housing supply and affordability challenges facing Western Australia. The Urbanist sat down with the Minister […]

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Australian Property Investor Magazine There has been no shortage of commentary throughout 2023 about the current state of housing markets across the country.  Western Australia, like most states in Australia, is experiencing an acute housing supply crisis that is making it harder than ever for people to get their foot on the residential property ladder or […]

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The West Australian WA will finally introduce mandatory building inspections as part of moves to clean up the construction industry — but the changes will not come into effect until 2026 at the earliest. Even then, only high-rise apartments and commercial builds will be captured by the first tranche of legislation, with single residential homes […]

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Business News Environment and Energy Minister Reece Whitby says there is no conflict of interest in holding both portfolios, after the state government announced sweeping change to the environmental approvals process. The changes announced this morning have been welcomed by industry groups but met with disappointment by environmentalists, with Conservation Council of WA president Richard Yin claiming he wasn’t […]

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THE AUSTRALIAN Developers have called for property taxes to be looked at “holistically” in the event that a possible early federal election next year forces tax back into the spotlight.

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THE WEST AUSTRALIAN The head of WA’s State-owned electricity distributor has described as “mental” traditional poles-and-wires services to remote areas with almost no customers when more efficient standalone options are available.

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THE WEST AUSTRALIAN Planning Minister Rita Saffioti has delivered on her promise to create a problem-solving strike squad to improve planning outcomes.

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WESTSERN SUBURBS WEEKLY WA property owners have been given a reprieve, with no increases to property taxes in the State Government 2017-18 budget.

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Canning Times Local government auditing standards were raised by law last week to levels more consistent with the public sector.

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