WAtoday Perth’s love of developing on ‘easy’ sandy blocks has resulted in an unwavering addiction to the classic double-brick home, but a new UDIA WA report suggests land is drying up and builders will start putting the trowel down to pick up a hammer. Read the full article by WAtoday Business Reporter Hamish Hastie, here.

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The West Australian Timber frame construction is set to become cheaper than brick houses by 2024 for the first time in history, marking the first serious challenge to WA’s traditional double-brick homes. To read the full article, written by Property Editor Kim Macdonald, click here.

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ABC Radio Perth Houses in Western Australia have long been built around a double-brick frame. But is it time we move to timber frames, like builders in the eastern states? UDIA WA CEO Tanya Steinbeck tells Russell Woolf and Nadia Mitsopoulos from ABC Radio Perth Breakfast why timber is now proven to be the cheaper, […]

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UDIA WA has released a report that outlines a cost benefit analysis undertaken by Ernst and Young (EY) of modern methods of construction compared with double brick construction. Read more here: FINAL UDIA Report

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Western Suburbs Weekly WA and the world economy is set for some short-term pain as a result of the coronavirus according to international economist Jonathan Pain. To read the full story, click here.

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The West Australian Bulldozers are set to move in within months to demolish Princess Margaret Hospital in order to make way for high rise, high density apartments and shops. It will be the final chapter written for an institution that touched the lives of nearly every West Australian over 108 years. Read the full story, […]

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WA Today Western Australia is too reliant on China and needs to look to other emerging Asian superpowers to diversify its trade partnerships, one of the world’s leading independent economists has warned. To read the full story, click here.

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The West Australian There is a shared sense of expectation for the Western Australian residential property market in 2020. UDIA WA Chief Executive Officer Tanya Steinbeck is hopeful the worst of the market downturn is over, and said the state was likely to see relatively stable conditions over the next 12 months. To read the […]

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Opinion piece by UDIA WA CEO Tanya Steinbeck published in The West Australian on Friday January 3. Authenticity and keeping things “real” is a personal challenge for all of us in an increasingly digital world where we seek instant acceptance and endless ways to compare ourselves to others’ success. This personal challenge is also relevant […]

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