Western Suburbs Weekly PROPERTY experts looked forward to 2019 with some optimism, but the banking Royal Commission and resulting credit crunch and a Federal election had a detrimental effect on the market, with prices, sales and building starts continuing to decline. Things were looking grim and industry bodies joined forces to lobby the State Government to support […]

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The West Australian This year has proven to be particularly eventful for the Western Australian property market. Myriad projects and developments have been thrust into the WA pipeline in 2019, with changes made to government legislation, incentives announced, and affordability levels across the state making the traditional Australian dream an achievable reality for many. To […]

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Western Suburbs Weekly A $150 million commitment from the State Government to help West Australians striving for home ownership or a quality home to live in has won industry support. The Housing Investment Package will provide additional homes for people on low incomes or at risk of homelessness while supporting the WA economy and the […]

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Opinion piece by UDIA WA CEO Tanya Steinbeck published in The West Australian on Wednesday November 20. Anyone who drives to and from work in peak hour has experienced the immense frustrations of dealing with the merge-aphobics, the tailgaters, the stickybeaks and the impressively timed roadworks to coincide with the majority of Perth trying to […]

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Business News The state government is making a major push for more medium-density housing, but market conditions and community sentiment loom as major hurdles for developers. With dwelling diversity a key component of Western Australian state government policy, developers are keen to embrace opportunities to deliver more density across the metropolitan area. To read the […]

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New Homes – The West Australian While the Western Australian building industry has long had a love affair with double-brick construction, new methods and materials have slowly infiltrated the market. One alternative – cross-laminated timber (CLT) – was floated at a recent industry breakfast titled Modern Methods of Construction and hosted by UDIA WA. To […]

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Business News Public art plays a key role in efforts to increase vibrancy and liveability across Perth, with developers willing to contribute if it makes sense for their projects. Soaring 27 storeys into Perth’s CBD skyline, The Adnate art series hotel is home to one of the city’s most ambitious and spectacular examples of public art. To […]

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For the past few years, Subiaco’s main cultural strip has been on life support. The once-vibrant inner city hub’s shine was fading, with businesses feeling the brunt of the end of Western Australia’s mining boom, a flat property market and the AFL’s move away from Subiaco Oval. To read the full report by Benjamin Gubana, […]

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Over the weekend the October edition of the Land Report was published in The Weekend West and The Sunday Times and included included exclusive land market data and commentary from UDIA WA along with informative articles on the latest trends and products on the market from our members. To read the full Land Report click here.

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