UDIA WA Diversity Toolkit
The UDIA WA Diversity Toolkit is a resource designed to assist small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in the property industry looking to implement meaningful workplace diversity and inclusion policies within their organisation.
This toolkit was developed in consultation with the UDIA WA Workforce and Diversity Committee, which has undertaken research into diversity and inclusion benefits and industry best practice, and incorporated these learnings into this document.
The committee recognises that larger organisations often have in-house human resources capacity to prepare and deliver comprehensive diversity and inclusion policies and programs. However, SMEs don’t always have these resources so readily available, and we aim to provide guidance with this toolkit.
While research has gone into the development of this toolkit, it is designed as a guide only and individual organisations can adapt it to their own needs. We recommend organisations also undertake their own research to develop a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of diversity and inclusion related topics and issues relevant to their organisation.
Progressing your own diversity and inclusion strategy
Each industry and organisation will have its own diversity challenges and sit at different points in the scale of inclusion. The key to identifying a diversity strategy for your organisation begins with understanding where you currently sit and identifying where you want to be.
This document aims to give you the tools to identify the current gaps in relation to diversity and inclusion in your organisation, pinpoint key areas for improvement, set realistic goals and implement steps to achieve diversity in measurable timeframes.
Each step of the tool kit builds on the previous one with the end product being a diversity strategy/policy document that can be issued to staff members and stakeholders to demonstrate the organisations’ commitment to diversity and inclusion and assist with gaining buy-in from all to achieve the desired outcomes.
What is workplace diversity?
True workplace diversity is achieved when all staff can access and enjoy the same rewards, resources and opportunities regardless of age, gender, physical or mental ability, culture, marital status, religion, political opinion or sexual preference.
What is workplace inclusion?
Inclusion is a collaborative, supportive, and respectful environment that increases the participation of a diverse group of individuals, and our research concludes the organisational benefits are many.
The importance of inclusive leadership
Whilst diverse and inclusive teams are integral to the success of an organisation, it does not guarantee high performance. Inclusive leadership is critical to the success of a business and helps drive broader inclusiveness and positive culture.
Diversity Toolkit
Part One: Evaluate
When embarking on developing a comprehensive and meaningful diversity strategy for your workplace, it is critical that an initial assessment of the organisation’s current diversity position, highlighting key areas for improvement, is undertaken.
Part Two: Business Vision & Mission
At the outset of developing a diversity strategy in your organisation, start by articulating the ‘why’ within your particular organisation and identify the need for, and potential benefits of, a diversity strategy in your workplace.
Part Three: Setting Goals & Targets
Establishing realistic, achievable and relevant goals tied to accountability serves to drive change and results.
Part Four: Policies & Initiatives
Achieving the goals and targets and targets identified in Part Three will be enabled by providing company policies that acknowledge and enable these desired outcomes.
Part Five: Strategy Template
Click here for an example outline for a Diversity and Inclusion Policy that can be adapted to your organisations needs.
Part Six: Resources
A hub of key resources, further reading and training to assist members in their strategy development and ongoing journey.