The key stages of the land development process in WA
The land development process can be complex. On this page we provide an overview of the steps involved in the land development process from site acquisition through to the issuing of titles and settlements.
While the outline below is not comprehensive, and each project is unique, it provides a useful summary of what is involved with getting new land to the market and converted into much needed housing for West Australians.
Download a copy of the fact sheet that summarises the information below here.
1. Project Initiation & Planning
The first phase of an development is the initiation and planning, where project feasibility is established, overall vision and planning and initial community engagement takes place.
2. Staged Subdivision Delivery
The second phase of the process is ‘on the ground’ when design, construction and sales are launched. this is when buyers can start to purchase off the plan, prior to titles being issued.
Project Initiation & Planning
The steps below provide a basic outline of the initial stages of the land development process, before detailed design and construction commences. This part of the process is focused on ensuring the future development project will be feasible, and finalising the acquisition.
- Acquisition due diligence undertaken by developer with support of consultant team and legal advice to determine:
- Site history;
- Existing site conditions;
- Development constraints;
- Project opportunities; and
- Key risks.
- Consultant technical due diligence reports inform next steps and project delivery strategy.
- Planning advice will indicate the site’s permissible land uses, current zoning and any required planning approvals.
- Preliminary feasibility study and lot yield plan prepared to ensure the project delivers financial returns in line with business and industry metrics.
- Purchase price negotiated with seller.
- Site acquisition complete upon settlement and the Transfer of Land.

- Developer prepares a project vision to set and communicate the overarching purpose, direction and goals of the project.
- Project vision may detail how the project fits within the broader organisational objectives or portfolio strategy.
- Market research may be undertaken in this phase to determine target market and inform vision.
- May be used as an internal document only or be developed into a public-facing vision for storytelling to key stakeholders and purchasers.
- Project delivery strategy is developed following preparation of agreed vision. This may consider (among other items):
- Required planning approvals,
- Servicing requirements,
- Stakeholder engagement,
- Consultant team requirements, and
- Sales & marketing strategy.
- A Structure Plan may be required for the coordination of future zoning, subdivision and development of an area of land.
- If a site is subject to structure planning, this planning instrument must be lodged and approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) prior to subdivision.
- Project masterplan (for multi-stage projects).
- Preliminary civil engineering design.
- Supporting technical investigations and advice e.g.:
- Bushfire
- Environmental
- Hydrology
- Geotechnical
- Structural
- Opinion of Probable Cost for infrastructure costs, subdivision works and authority fees prepared by Civil Engineer.
- Update market research to determine revenue assumptions and buyer profile.
- Project feasibility updates.

*Assumes the site is zoned Urban under the MRS.

- Engagement with key stakeholders (responsive to the project’s level of complexity) to achieve support for the project and progress the approvals strategy.
- Stakeholders may include but are not limited to:
- State government
- Local government
- Western Power
- Water Corporation
- Transport authorities
- Adjoining landowners
- Local community
Staged Subdivision Delivery
The second stage of the land development process, once feasibility and acquisition has been finalised, is when the developer moves into design, approvals and construction, and ultimately the issuing of titles and settlement with the new land purchaser.
- Surveyor undertakes site feature and surround survey.
- Planning consultant prepares subdivision concept plan.
- Subdivision design is prepared in accordance with the planning framework, R-Codes, site constraints, project vision and project objectives.
- Concept design may consider (among other factors):
- Lot yield.
- Lot sizes and dimensions.
- Site access (transport and road network).
- Site constraints.
- Environmental considerations.
- Bushfire risk.
- Requirement for drainage and public open space (POS).
- Subject to the site being zoned for residential development, an Application for Subdivision Approval can be prepared in accordance with the planning framework.
- Planner prepares a Plan of Subdivision and lodges application (Form 1A) with WAPC.
- Application may require supporting technical advice (e.g. Bushfire Management Plan).
- 90 days statutory approval timeframe for WAPC determination.
- Detailed design may commence prior to or during the subdivision application process:
- Surveyor preliminary lot calculations (pre-cal plan).
- Detailed engineering design is prepared using site survey and pre-cal plan.
- Subdivision approval letter issued with subdivision conditions. Conditions must be satisfied and ‘cleared’ with the relevant authorities through the development process to achieve all subdivisional clearances and titles.
- Developer undertakes construction tender process to appoint a civil contractor and determine an agreed contract price.
- Tender documentation will typically include (among other items):
- Scope of work.
- Detailed engineering design drawings.
- Construction specifications.
- Site survey and contour plan.
- Tender process may be completed ahead of subdivision approval and engineering approval, noting that works cannot commence without these approvals in hand.
- Lots sales may be ‘off the plan’ ahead of construction and titles.
- Preparation of sales & marketing collateral:
- Project brand (if required).
- Sales plan.
- Price list.
- Website
- Communications plan and key messages.
- Engagement of sales agent and settlement agent.
- Prepare sales contract.
- Consideration towards sales management e.g. CRM.
- Consideration of any pre-sales requirement.
- Contractor’s construction program is used to determine estimated title date.
- Pending completion of the following items, contractor can commence construction:
- Subdivision approval.
- Engineering approval.
- Executed construction contract.
- Pre-construction surveying.
- Contractor permits.
- Scope of work may include:
- Earthworks
- Retaining walls
- Sewer servicing
- Water servicing
- Power servicing and related infrastructure
- Gas servicing
- Stormwater drainage
- Communications
- Roadworks and footpaths
- Upon completion, a Practical Completion Inspection is undertaken on site between the contractor, developer and local government representative.
- Deposited Plan is prepared by surveyor and used to apply for clearance from the authorities listed on the conditional subdivision approval.
- Clearance of the conditions of subdivision approval is required before new lot titles can be achieved.
- Surveyor lodges clearances to WAPC and Deposited Plan at Landgate.
- WAPC endorse Deposited Plan and Landgate place Plan ‘In Order for Dealings’.
- Application for New Titles is lodged with Landgate by the developer’s settlement agent.
- Title turnaround timeframes will vary and should be checked with Landgate.
- Lot settlements can commence following issue of titles (timeframes may vary).